Bringing Old Slides to Life!!

A few months ago, I was helping my grandmother unpack when I found a few boxes of old slides. I made it a priority to digitize those slides for her and the rest of the family. What good are they doing in an old box, right?
I knew there was a way to make these images digital. I’ve seen ads where you can send them somewhere and they will be returned with a USB filled with digital images from the slides. I’m not a very patient person and I wanted to see them right away. That’s when I decided to look for an app! I scrolled a bit and then was so happy to find SlideScan. This app was super easy to navigate and within seconds, I was able to start digitizing the slides!

My grandmother and I sat on her couch while I scanned each slide. Every image that would come up on my phone made her smile and then she would recall the special memory. She is a mother to four and in most of the images, she had them all dressed to the nines. There were a lot of before church and holiday photographs as well as beautiful everyday moments captured. You can tell in the images that my grandparents absolutely treasured their family.
The images warmed my heart and brought us so much joy. My grandfather, who passed away when I was just a year old, was truly a talented photographer! The photos that he took really captured some beautiful emotions and are so captivating. His composition and eye were spot on. So… good job, Pop. And although sadly I do not remember him, I’d like to think that this talent that he had is something that we would both have in common if he was with us today.